Download fight ippatsu juden chan
Download fight ippatsu juden chan

I feel like I lost half my brain cells watching this show. This anime was made in 2009, but 7 years later Media Blasters purchased it, dubbed it, and released a censored version on Crunchyroll. Even if you happened to have a pee fetish, I’d be willing to bet all my money this show still sucks! Despite this being unwatchable garbage, it still got an English dub and DVD release here in the US…in 2016. He took a harmless, stupid ecchi and made it a painfully unfunny, cringe-worthy fetish show. He also directed Sleeping with Hinako, which is another piece of shit I’ve reviewed. This guy is an evil madman! He’s the director of Popotan, which still ranks in the top 10 worst anime I’ve ever seen. The problem is the anime’s director, Shinichiro Kimura. Ditama isn’t the best writer in the world, but he’s NOT the problem here. He also wrote the slightly better Mahoromantic Robot Maid. The mangaka for Juden Chan was Bow Ditama, most well known for KissxSis.

download fight ippatsu juden chan

The weirdest part is that I read the manga in preparation for this review and it doesn’t happen ONCE in the manga! It would appear this addition was entirely the whim of the anime’s director. The female characters can’t go 5 minutes without pissing themselves. For those rare individuals who have seen Juden Chan, the thing they most remember about the series is the pissing. However, the physical violence directed at magical girls isn’t what this series is remembered for. What happens is an angry guy beating the magical girls to near death with a baseball bat as a feeble attempt at slapstick comedy. Hideaki Anno makes a guest appearance and keeps wanting to interview Freud-chan! Sadly, that’s not what happens. The adventures of Freud-chan and her friends Maslow-chan, Kohlberg-tan, and Adler-chan. It would actually be a better series if it was about magical Jewish psychologists flying around and trying to cure depression. In German it means “Jews”, which entirely changes the context of the series. In Japanese, Juden or 充電 is a word for “Re-charge”.

download fight ippatsu juden chan

I’m just a few sentences into this review and it’s already awkward!

download fight ippatsu juden chan

So what is Juden chan about? It’s about a magical race from another dimension called Juden, who cure depression by shoving magical AC cords into people and giving them electroconvulsive therapy. So why not? This is Juden Chan, the worst magical girl anime you’ve never heard of. This will be a tough one to get through, but I happen to really, REALLY like this person. I’m writing a request review for a friend’s birthday. I’ve reviewed a LOT of bad anime for this site, but today I’m doing something I don’t normally do.

Download fight ippatsu juden chan